Read what reddit considers to be acceptable self-promotion here. Keep in mind that excessive posting of videos or streams from a channel constitutes as spam and may be removed without warning. Posts with external content will only be allowed for active and consistent members of our community. We support original content, but we have our limits. Pictures showing personal information that could lead to doxxing will not be allowed. Posts and comments consisting of racist, sexist or homophobic content will be removed, regardless of popularity or relevance. Anyone posting a picture of a player in their career mode or manager mode named Pablo Escobar as if it were some original joke they've unleashed to the world will be banned on sight.
It's not that we don't love memes, it's that they are upvoted enough that they will cover the front page if we don't regulate them a bit. Users may be subject to temporary bans for breaking any of the main subreddit rules, at the sole discretion of the moderators.